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After a Soccer Ball to the Head, Why Did He Develop ‘Brain Sloshing’?

Help Dr. Lisa Sanders get to the bottom of unsolved medical mysteries for a future documentary show. This week: Can you diagnose the condition causing one of her patients to experience hazy sensations in his brain?

I’m James. I’m a 19-year-old guy from Las Vegas, Nevada. Four years ago, I got a concussion. I started experiencing this weird symptom where, any time I’ve moved my head too quickly, it felt like my brain couldn’t keep up with the rest of my head. And it felt like it was jostling around, like my brain was enveloped in this fog. Like what I want to say is in my brain, but it’s so hard to get it out sometimes. Like even now, I feel, even now, like I know the main points that I want to get across to you, but it’s really hard to get them out because it’s hard to focus. It’s hard to find the right words. It’s hard to follow like a straight line of thought. I feel like, I’m just going to lose all cognitive functioning and turn into a vegetable. It’s kind of terrifying sometimes. A lot of the doctors that I talk to, they kind of brush it off. So the fact that it is undiagnosed it’s really frustrating because like if I knew what the name of it was, I wouldn’t be so anxious about it. And I would be able to, there’d be some way to treat maybe, or I’d just know that I’d had to live with it, if it was untreatable.


After a Soccer Ball to the Head, Why Did He Develop ‘Brain Sloshing’?

By Lightbox July 10, 2018

Help Dr. Lisa Sanders get to the bottom of unsolved medical mysteries for a future documentary show. This week: Can you diagnose the condition causing one of her patients to experience hazy sensations in his brain?


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